Junk Mail. You know 'em. In the U.S., supposedly one is able to write to an authority dealing with this issue, somewhere in Colorado, to request that your name and address be withheld from junk mailing; but despite my doing that more than a decade ago, it never seemed to have worked. Even spam filters work better in keeping the junk mail away.
During my stroll in the city today (in Amsterdam, that is), I saw tiny stickers affixed to people's mail slot. On it are two options: the left one
states whether or not you want unaddressed advertising, while the right part gives you the option of whether or not you want catalogs. The home owner gets to choose: Yes or No to either part. As you can see in the pictures above, one house decides it does not want unaddressed advertising mail (Nee or No), but welcomes catalogs (Ja or Yes); while the other house wants neither of the mailing (Nee, Nee, or No, No). It only wants personal mails and bills.
Unfortunately I never found out whether or not the system worked. Any Amsterdamers out there who could verify this?